Japanese Pumpkin

(左)エディンバラの食料品店で見つけたこのかぼちゃはブラジル産。(右)マーケットではたくさんの種類の西洋かぼちゃが並んでいてきれい。(L) This pumpkin which I found in a local grocery shop is from Brazil. (R) Many kinds of beautiful pumpkins in a farmer's market.

(左)義理父がブルガリアで育てたかぼちゃ。(右)ブルガリアでかぼちゃをバーベキューした様子。美味しそう!(L) Beautiful Japanese pumpkins grown in Bulgaria by father-in-law. (R) Barbecued pumpkins in Bulgaria. Looks delicious!
Japanese Pumpkin
Our weekly Thursday treat is the freshly harvested vegetables delivered from a local farmer. Recently, root vegetables have been the main focus, but today, to my delight, a Japanese pumpkin (Kabocha) arrived.
I have loved pumpkins ever since I was a child, and whenever I spot a Japanese pumpkin in the shop, I always buy it. I enjoy making kabocha soup or simmering it in sugar and soy sauce – a typical Japanese cosy dish.
Nowadays, it seems that Japanese pumpkins have become popular in the UK.
When I told my father-in-law who lives in Bulgaria about Japanese pumpkins, he said he had never tried one before. So, a couple of years ago, I saved some seeds and gave them to him as a gift.
He immediately planted the seeds in a corner of his garden, and they harvested their first kabocha successfully!
When I was young, we used to visit my mother’s hometown, Izu Oshima, every summer. I loved riding in a truck with my grandfather to the mountain fields during those visits. My grandfather always grew my favourites – watermelon and kabocha, and I looked forward to harvesting them every year.
When it was time to return to Tokyo, I could still picture my grandfather smiling and saying, “Pack either the watermelon or the pumpkin in your backpack to take home.”
Tonight, I’m planning to make simmered kabocha, a dish my grandfather also loved.