

“Spice Container” – A Kitchen Essential




生姜はすりおろし、カルダモンとブラックペッパーは軽く潰す。ヴィンテージの真鍮の茶匙はチャリティーショップで見つけたお気に入り。Grate the ginger and lightly crush the cardamom and black pepper. My favourite vintage brass tea scoop which I found in a charity shop.
鍋で煮立てたスパイス。Boiled spices in a pot.
近所で購入できる搾りたてオートミルク。空き瓶をお店に返すと次購入時より£1値引きに。Freshly squeezed oat milk is available in the neighbourhood. Return an empty bottle to the shop and get £1 off your next purchase.

“Spice Container” – A Kitchen Essential

Since living in the UK, I have been exposed to many different cultures and have been inspired by them. One of the most memorable experiences was when I was invited to the flat of my first Indian friend and his wife in London. His wife showed me her spice containers. She simply mixed the spices from there and made me an Indian chickpea curry.

I had been only familiar with curry using Japanese curry roux at that time.

I was impressed by the rich and deep flavour of her curry and even more the simplicity of using spices in cooking. Since then, spice containers have become a kitchen essential in our home. It is my husband who is also a spice enthusiast usually looks after them.

Today I made "Masala Chai" using oat milk. I lightly crushed cardamom and black peppercorns on a chopping board and put them into the pot with the other spices. The aroma of the boiling milk, tea and spices in one pot was irresistible. Finally, a generous amount of sugar is added. Although it is a small amount of chai in a glass, it is a special and satisfying one.